Winery Tour and Tasting on Saturday, November 12

Dear Members and Guests, please join us on

Saturday, 12 November 2022 for a Winetasting at the renowned private winery Jürgen Ellwanger in Winterbach im Remstal, followed by dinner in the Restaurant Krone in Winterbach.

We will meet NLT 14.30 hours at the square in front of the Winterbach Train Station. At 14.45 we will walk to the Ellwanger Winery, arriving at 15.00. If you miss us at the train station, come directly to the winery.

The Ellwanger family has been making wine in Winterbach for over 500 years. The private winery was in the forefront of the move in Germany to produce limited quantity, high quality international class wines. Their new Wine-Press building has also won several architecture awards. We will receive a winery tour in English, followed by a tasting of 6 different Ellwanger wines.

After the wine tasting we will walk back to the Krone Restaurant (around 17.15), where we will enjoy an à la carte meal from a menu which also includes some Swedish specialties. Important: You can also enjoy roast duck or roast goose with all the trimmings, but you must pre-order either of these menu items with your reservation.

Cost: Winery Tour and Tasting: Members €20, Non-Members €25, to be collected on site.

Dinner: Individual payment to the restaurant. Don’t forget to pre-order with your reservation if you want roast duck or goose.

Club News: At the Special membership Meeting on 22 October, 2022, the membership voted unanimously to raise the club annual membership dues from €60 to €75, effective 1 January, 2023. We thank you, our members, for your trust and support for our club.

Covid Rules: Until further notice by the government, no rules are currently in place. However, a medical mask is still mandatory for using public transport. If rules change, we will inform you.

We have limited space for this event. Reserve soon, first come – first served.


Upcoming events

Saturday, 3 December Annual Christmas Party, Alte Kanzlei
Saturday, 14 January State Museum: “Berauschend”- 10 000 Years of Beer and Wine
Saturday, 4 February Monet Experience Art Show, Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart
Saturday, 18 March 75th Annual General Membership Meeting, Alte Kanzlei
Sunday, 23 April Cannstatter Wasen (Spring Fest)

September 21-24 Dresden 75th Anniversary Weekend Trip
Saturday, 21 October75th Anniversary Dinner, Wuerttemberg Automobile Club
Please note: Events and dates subject to change ! If you would like more information on any of these events, or would like to sign up in advance, please talk to any board member. They will put you in contact with the person planning the event.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira