76th Annual General Membership Meeting on Saturday, March 16

Dear Members and Guests,

We invite you to join us on Saturday, March 16, 2024, for our

76th Annual General Membership Meeting

in the Restaurant “La Famiglia” in Hedelfingen

Photos: Scott Beard, by permission

We will meet at 17:30 hours in the banquet room of the Restaurant La Famiglia. Go in the main entrance to the restaurant and through the dining room to the door opening to a hallway. Then go left down the hall and into the banqet room. The entire room is reserved for us. We will begin with a Prosecco Reception for all to enjoy. Around 18:00 we will ask you to take your seats. The restaurant servers will take our drink and dinner food orders.

After all are seated and drink and dinner orders have been placed, we will conduct our Annual Member Meeting (maximum 30 minutes, required by German law), where we will hear a recap of the preceding year, what’s coming up this year, and take a look at the club finances. Concluding the meeting will be our Board of Directors Election for 2024.

The Prosecco Reception will be paid by your club. Pay for your dinner and drinks directly to the restaurant staff before you leave. Stimulating conversation, and the chance to connect with new and old friends are free. Help us to continue our long tradition of fostering international understanding in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.Come join us on the 16th of March!

Best regards,


Upcoming events

Saturday, 13 April Theodor-Heuss-House and Bismarck Tower, Stuttgart North
Saturday, 20 April Cannstatter Spring Fest at Grandls Tent
Sunday, 12 May Straßenbahn-Museum and ride on the U15 Oldtimer train, Stuttgart
Saturday, 22 June Schönbuch Brewery Tour and Dinner
Saturday, 20 or 27 July Bus Trip Campus Galli and Heuneberg Celtic Settlement, near Messkirch
Saturday, tbd August Kloster Lorch, Falconry Show and Monastery Tour
Saturday, 7 September Wine festival with wine coop “Steiler Zucker”
Saturday, 28 September Cannstatter Volksfest – Grandl’s Tent
Saturday, tbd October Stuttgart Ghost Walk
Saturday, 9 or 16 Nov. Kessler Sekt, Cellars Tour and Tasting, Esslingen
Saturday, 7 December Annual Christmas Party, Alte Kanzlei Restaurant Stuttgart
Please note: Events and dates subject to change ! If you would like more information on any of these events, or would like to sign up in advance, please talk to any board member. They will put you in contact with the person planning the event.


By car: Restaurant La Famiglia, Rohrackerstrasse 171, 70239 Hedelfingen. Take the B10 to the Hedelfingen Exit. Exit direction Rohracker. At the Traffic Circle take the second right to stay on Rohracker Strasse.After several hundred meters you will see sportsfields and the restaurant on the left. At the La Famiglia sign turn left into the restaurant driveway, shaded with trees, to park. If you go past the tennis courts you have gone too far. There is also limited street parking in the Rohracker Strasse.

By public transport: Take the S-Bahn S1 to Obertürkheim. At the train station bus stop take the Bus # 62 direction Rohracker. Bus 62 goes every 15 minutes during the day. After 20.00 hours every 30 minutes. Go 6 stops to the Dürrbach Strasse bus stop (12 min. driving time). From the bus stop walk back in the direction you came 50 meters to the restaurant driveway on the right side of the road. Go down the driveway to the restaurant.

OR: Take the U Bahn/Strassenbahn, Lines U9 or U13 to the end station Hedelfingen. Walk ahead to the main street and turn left, then walk about 30 meters to the bus stop Hedelfingen. Take Bus # 62 direction Rohracker, 3 stops to the Durbach Strasse bus stop (3 min. driving time).

Source: Google Maps

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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