Matinee at the Kelley Theatre on Sunday, December 17
Dear Members and Guests,
Please join us on Sunday, 17 December, 15:00, at the Kelley Theatre, for the final matinee performance of
“The Sound of Music”
By Rodgers & Hammerstein
When a postulant proves too high-spirited for the religious life, she is dispatched to serve as governess for the seven children of a widowed naval Captain. Her growing rapport with the youngsters, coupled with her generosity of spirit, gradually captures the heart of the stern Captain, and they marry. Upon returning from their honeymoon, they discover that Austria has been invaded by the Nazis, who demand the Captain’s immediate service in their Navy. The family’s narrow escape over the mountains to Switzerland on the eve of World War II provides one of the most thrilling and inspirational finales ever presented in the theatre.
This final collaboration between Rodgers & Hammerstein was destined to become the world’s most beloved musical. (Alan Buxkemper, Director, Entertainment Branch, Stuttgart Theatre Center)
Non-ID Card Holders: to be put on the Kelley Front Gate Access Roster, please provide the following:
- (1) Full name
- (2) Passport or Ausweis Number
- (3) Nationality and date of birth
Note: all personal information will only be shared with the appropriate officials.
The Matinee starts 15:00. Meet 14:30 in the lobby. Dinner 18:00 at the Gaststätte Schwarzbach,club restaurant of the SV Vaihingen 1889 e.V. – within walking distance of the Vaihingen Bahnhof. (For addresses and directions, please see below).
Upfront payment of 15€ p/p members – 20€ p/p non-members will be required; payment instructions will be sent upon registration. Members have priority.
Best regards,

Upcoming events
Saturday, 27 January Modigliani exhibit – Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Saturday, 24 February American Dreams Exhibit – Haus der Geschichte Stuttgart
Saturday, 09 March Annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, 13 April Theodor-Heuss-House and Bismarck Tower, Stuttgart North
Saturday, 20 April Spring Fest, Bad Cannstatt, Stuttgart
Please note: Events and dates subject to change ! If you would like more information on any of these events, or would like to sign up in advance, please talk to any board member. They will put you in contact with the person planning the event.