Wine festival with “Steiler Zucker” on Saturday, September 7

Dear Members and Guests,

Please join us on Saturday, September 7, 2024, for a visit of a Wine Fest and a private Wine Tasting for our Club, hosted by our friends of the wine cooperative “Steiler Zucker” in their private terraced vineyard on the Neckar River at Max-Eyth-See, Stuttgart-Mühlhausen.

Source: Christel Baumann (private – by permission) – Cooperative’s Vineyard – Neckar River

The wine cooperative “Steiler Zucker” is a group of people who own and maintain two historic terraced vineyards along the Neckar River opposite of Max-Eyth-See in Stuttgart-Mühlhausen. The cooperative sees it as their responsibility and it is their passion, to produce regional wines 100% sustainably and ecologically and at the same time cooperate with regional partners and groups that share the same creed.

Location and directions: see below >>
Meeting Time: 14:45
Start Wine Tasting: 15:00

Cost: 25 € members / 35 € non-members – includes tasting of a prosecco and 3 different wines, all grown in their vineyards and presented by one of the owners; homemade yummie finger food and water on the tables; guided tour of their vineyard if weather allows.

The wine tasting takes about 1.5 – 2 hours, and we’re welcome to stay longer. After the tasting, further beverages and food will be on the individual.

Bottles of their prosecco and wines can be bought on site (cash or card).

Best regards,


Upcoming events

Saturday, 28 September Cannstatter Volksfest – Grandl’s Tent
Saturday, 19 October Stuttgart Evening Ghost Walk
Saturday, 16 November tbd
Saturday, 7 December Christmas Dinner, Alte Kanzlei Restaurant Stuttgart
Saturday, 25 January Print Art Exhibit Peasant’s War Staatsgalerie
Saturday, 15 February General Meeting, Sanwald Restaurant, Stuttgart
Saturday, 1 March Classical Concert Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Liederhalle
Saturday, 26 April Spring Fest, Cannstatter Wasen
Saturday, 27 September Cannstatter Volksfest – Grandl’s Tent
Please note: Events and dates subject to change ! If you would like more information on any of these events, or would like to sign up in advance, please talk to any board member. They will put you in contact with the person planning the event.

Directions to the vineyard:

Public transportation: (Stadtbahn lines U12, ); exit preferably at station “Wagrainäcker” (yellow and red marked) and follow the yellow-marked path through Max-Eyth-See Park, walk over the Bridge (Golden Gatele aka Max-Eyth-Steg), after the Bridge turn left, walk down a few meters and then turn right. The vineyard is right there (see red x). It is about a 1km easy walk from the Stadtbahnstation Wagrainäcker, if you follow the yellow marked trail through the Max-Eyth-See Park. There’s no parking along the Neckar.

Source: Google Maps
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