Campus Galli on Saturday, July 20

Dear Members and Guests,

We invite you to join us on Saturday, July 20, 2024 for a Bus Trip back in time to the Middle Ages, as we visit the

Campus Galli living history open-air museum

between Sigmaringen and Messkirch. There, experts and volunteers are building a monastery according to the St. Gallen Monastery Plan, created at the Reichenau Monastery before 830 AD.

Photos: Scott Beard – by permission

Begun in 2012, Campus Galli is a building site as it would have existed 1200 years ago. Each summer more is added, with the end result (in 50 years or so) being a full stone monastery church and outbuildings. Experts make the tools, which are exact replicas of those which existed in the year 900. Everything done there is authentic to that time period. We will tour the site, enjoy a “medieval” lunch, and have free time to chat with all the artisans – both men and women – at the site. Experience the Middle Ages up close!

Cost: 40 € members, 55 € non-members. This includes everything except lunch at the site. We kindly ask for advance payment; payment instructions will be sent upon registration. Space is limited, first come first served – members have priority.

Please note: This is an open air site. Please dress for the weather. Quite a bit of walking is involved, on generally level terrain with a few small rises. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

Best regards,


Upcoming events

Saturday, 10 August Kloster Lorch, Falconry Show and Monastery Tour
Saturday, 7 September Steiler Zucker Wine Festival
Saturday, 28 September Cannstatter Volksfest – Grandl’s Tent
Saturday, 19 October Stuttgart Evening Ghost Walk
Saturday, 9 or 16 Nov. tbd
Saturday, 7 December Christmas Dinner, Alte Kanzlei Restaurant Stuttgart
Please note: Events and dates subject to change ! If you would like more information on any of these events, or would like to sign up in advance, please talk to any board member. They will put you in contact with the person planning the event.

Further Information:

After the tours you will have free time until 15:00. There is a marketplace with food and drink available. The best time to take a break to eat is between 13:00 and 14:00, as the artisans take their own lunch break then. We will not have reserved tables or a reserved time to eat. There are picnic tables at the marketplace, some covered, some open. You must stand in line at the ordering point to order your food and drink. You then pick up your food at the food counter and find a place to sit and eat. The food is patterned after “medieval” food, but it is good and wholesome.


  • Klosterwurst with Brötchen €4
  • Linseneintopf with or without wurst €9.00 / 6.50 (Lentil Stew )
  • Dennete with cheese, sausage or both €8.00 / 9.00 (Somewhere between flammkuchen and pizza, baked in a stone oven, very good )
  • Honig Kuchen €3.50 (Honey cake, sweet and good)


  • Apfelschorle 0,5l €3.50
  • Mineral water, still or bubbly 0,5l €3.00
  • Beer, Radler 0,3l €3.50
  • Met, in a clay mug 0,25l €5.50 (Honey wine, hot and sweet ), €5 deposit for the mug (keep it if you like)
  • Tee €2.50
  • Coffee €3.00

You are also welcome to bring some food and drink with you to have on the bus or on site. The bus will be secure while we are on site. You can leave personal belongings there if you like. Site plans will be given to everyone on the bus, so you can familiarize yourself with the area ahead of time. At the museum shop / entrance there is a continuous film running (about 15 min.) which shows the history of the St. Gallen Monastery Plan and the Campus Galli site. It is only in German, but very interesting. If we arrive on time, you can watch the film before the tours. Otherwise, you can head back to the museum shop a little early and watch it then. There is also a café at the museum shop by the entrance, including (with nice weather) a roof top seating area with sun shades.

We will be there on Family Day, so there will be lots of kids about. Extra attraction: there will be medieval games at various sites which can be played and enjoyed by all.

We also promise a couple of surprises along the way. You will not want to miss this outing!

Directions to bus pickup in Stuttgart

By car:

Navigation address: 70597 Stuttgart, Jahnstrasse 112 Parking.

This address will bring you right to the bus parking area across from the Gazi Stadium and just down from the Fernsehturm (see map). Right across the street and next to the Gazi Stadium is the car parking area. Parking is free. Park your car and walk back to the bus park. Look for the bus from VATER REISEN.

Public transportation:
From Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof:

U7 Direction Nellingen Ostfildern to Waldau, then Ruhbank, – OR –

U15 Direction Ruhbank, exit at terminal stop Ruhbank.

From Ruhbank walk southwest on Georgiweg, from Waldau walk northeast on Georgiweg. Turn north on Guts-Muthsweg, walk past Gazi Stadium on your left, and you will see the big parking area on your left. Bus parking is at the far end of Guts-Muthsweg. Look for the bus from VATER REISEN.

Total walking distance:350 meters on level ground. Waldau is a little closer than Ruhbank. Check timetables and leave enough time for the walk. THE BUS WILL LEAVE at 08:30.

Public transportation web site:

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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